The international school sector in Hong Kong is fairly diverse. Learn more about individual international schools or search for schools by their location, curriculum, and more.

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Statistics at a glance

A list of international schools in Hong Kong in operation by school type is available here.

All schools  
Primary school 20
Secondary school 7
Primary cum secondary school 26
Special school 1
Number of places offered (excluding special school) 46,253
Number of students (excluding special school) 40,626
Percentage of non-local students 65.9%
Percentage of local students 34.1%

  2020/21 2021/22 2022/23
Number of places offered 45,857 46,08846,253
Primary 24,993 25,16725,102
Secondary 20,864 20,92121,151
Number of students 41,015 41,49440,626
Primary 22,783 22,93322,143
Secondary 18,232 18,56118,483

Number of vacant school premises allocated since 2007 9
Number of greenfield sites allocated since 2008 7